Scoping Study

Scoping study for an organization is a preliminary investigation that aims to identify the key issues, opportunities, and constraints related to a particular project, program, or area of the organization’s operations. The study helps organizations assess the feasibility, risks, costs, benefits, and overall strategic fit of the proposed project or initiative. A well-conducted scoping study by Etihad AIS helps organizations identify organizational challenges and determine potential solutions, organizations can gain valuable insights into their internal dynamics and pave the way for improvement. The study helps in understanding the root causes of challenges and facilitates the development of effective strategies to address them, ultimately leading to enhanced organizational performance and success. 

Systematic Review  

Systematic review is a rigorous and comprehensive approach used to gather, analyze, and synthesize relevant information and knowledge about organizational challenges and potential solutions. The key difference between a systematic review and a scoping study lies in the depth and rigor of the review process. A systematic review follows a standardized and structured approach, focusing on the synthesis of existing evidence to answer a specific research question. It involves a systematic and structured process to review existing literature, industry reports, case studies, and best practices to gain insights and make informed recommendations for addressing organizational challenges. In contrast, a scoping study is more exploratory in nature and aims to provide an overview or map of a research area. By conducting a systematic review focused on organizational challenges and solutions, organizations can benefit from evidence-based insights to inform decision-making and develop effective strategies. The Etihad AIS systematic approach ensures that the review is transparent, replicable, and rigorous, allowing for robust conclusions and recommendations.

Management System Development  

Management system refers to a structured framework and set of processes that an organization implements to effectively manage and coordinate its activities, resources, and goals. It provides a systematic approach to managing various aspects of the organization, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives, and promoting continual improvement. A well-designed management system promotes consistency and efficiency in processes, tasks, and decision-making. It establishes standardized procedures and workflows, reducing duplication of efforts and ensuring smooth operations. The management system development by Etihad AIS ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. It provides a structure for implementing quality assurance practices. It helps establish quality standards, monitor compliance, and continuously improve processes to enhance the quality of products or services.

Learning Management System  

Learning Management System (LMS) is a software platform that allows organizations to manage, deliver, and track various aspects of their learning and training programs. It provides a centralized hub for organizing and administering training content, tracking learner progress, and evaluating the effectiveness of learning initiatives. Robust reporting and analytics capabilities within an LMS allow administrators to track learner progress, monitor completion rates, assess performance, and identify areas for improvement. These insights help inform decision-making and measure the effectiveness of learning initiatives. The LMS developed by Etihad AIS can be integrated with other systems and technologies, such as HR systems or content authoring tools, to streamline processes and enhance functionality. Customization options enable organizations to tailor the LMS to their specific branding, workflows, and learning requirements.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)  

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software system that integrates and manages core business processes and functions within an organization. It provides a centralized database and a suite of interconnected modules to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and improve overall efficiency. An ERP system integrates disparate business functions into a single platform, eliminating data silos and streamlining processes. It enables smooth information flow, reduces manual data entry, and minimizes errors and redundancies. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time data access, an ERP system developed by Etihad AIS improves operational efficiency and productivity. It reduces time spent on manual processes, enables faster decision-making, and optimizes resource utilization.

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is a software system that encompasses the policies, processes, and controls an organization implements to manage and mitigate risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and promote effective governance practices. It provides a holistic approach to managing risks, aligning business activities with regulatory requirements, and maintaining ethical standards. GRC systems developed by Etihad AIS provide a structured framework for decision-making and governance. The systems establish clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability mechanisms, enabling effective oversight and informed decision-making at all levels of the organization. 

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